Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Memories with mom

This first memory was when my siblings and I still ran a paper route. I remember rounding a corner for our next delivery and seeing a coyote standing across the street, my brother and I were too afraid to get of the car to make the delivery and we begged mom to just skip the house come back some other time, when the large animal wasn't so close. Instead of letting us give into our fears mom parked the car and grabbed a paper, it was a Monday so the paper was ridiculously light weight, practically impossible to throw and have it land where we wanted it to. I remember panicking when mom opened the driver’s door and left to deliver the paper. Hands down it was the most terrifying two minutes of my life, just waiting for the coyote to attack. It didn't. In fact, I don't think it ever realized we were across the street. We finished the route that day and went to sleep but I have never forgotten what my mom might have risked for me and my brother.

Another time on the paper route we were nearing the end of our deliveries and mom was anxious to get some sleep. Waking up at 4 in the morning did that to people. I was just finishing a couple houses when I saw a cat, being the animal lover that I am I went over to pet it. BIG MISTAKE. Not in the way you are probably thinking, there are many stray cats in my area and I have been able to pet, play, and cuddle with most of them. The cat loved me, loved me enough to follow me back to the car. No matter what I did that cat wouldn't leave me alone and I couldn't get in the car because we might run over it if we weren't careful. I had to trick it into thinking I was going into the house before I sprinted away. Unfortunately my mom had to move on without me, it was dark out, cold, and really spooky. I was crying when I finally caught up to the car that was a street away, but we finished the route and went back to sleep. Later that day I was surprised by my mom who bought a pink bear with a heart that said "I love you" as an apology for leaving me behind. I still have the bear and it is one of my favorite gifts that I have ever gotten.

My mom and I are a little Kooky, we like to hug, cuddle, sing and scream with each other. We have a special bond when ever we scream "I LOVE YOU" to each other and absolutely no filter to when we should do it in front of other people. All of my friend have been slightly deafened by our screaming out love to each other. I remember one time we were talking about why we scream it out instead of just saying it, you know, like a normal mother and daughter. We both felt like the words were building up inside us and we just have to let it out as loudly as we possibly could. I LOVE YOU MAMA!!!!

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