Tuesday, December 24, 2013

True stories

these stories are just short memories of my childhood that is often remembered by my entire family so I am often teased about it, hope you like them

Horshee's, Horses

When I was 6 years old I spoke with a lisp, my mother didn't want me to be picked on so she immediately decided to help me with my pronunciation. When I said "My name ish Shteffyi" she would say "Is Stephi" and I would then be forced to practice that one line over and over again until I got it right. so one day I was riding in the car with my family and we passed by a horse farm. Me being the animal lover I am I shouted "look! Horshees!" and of course my mom corrected me "Horses"
"horses" and this continued on for almost 10 mins and I had finally had enough I was annoyed and wanted to be done with it so I shouted as angrily as I could "OR YOU COULD JUST CALL THEM PONY"

Oh brother!

My brother and I have a very close relationship...... most the time but when I am mad I am not someone to mess with. At 7 years old I had I horse collection that I love and my younger brother wanted to play with them. he took one of my plastic ones and decided to play "throw the horsey down the stairs" I heard a sharp crack and ran to look and found my horse at the bottom of the stairs with its legs broken, and my brother smiling next to me I was so angry that I decided to teach him a lesson, he threw my horse down the stairs, I push him down the stairs! and that is just what I did....later I was grounded for 3 months but I got revenge for my horsey!

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