Tuesday, December 24, 2013

how to old school tetris

My family loves old school tetris: here are some rules that will help you get better
#1: DONT ANGER THE TETRIS GODS! the tetris gods decides what the next piece will be and control the mistakes you make to screw you in the worse way. When you believe yourself to be better then them, they will never send the pieces you need! they will mess up all the places you want to put the piece and make your opponent send you lines galore.
#2: Just ignore the problem and it will go away. ignore the problem and some how it fixes itself. pretend that you did your mistake on purpose and work around it but dont offend the tetris gods.
#3:BUILD A TOWER! if you dont know where the piece goes build a tower with it. thats all I can say use the piece to build a tower until you can fix the problem.
#4: your tetris choices reflect your life choices make good choices and it will all be good. make good choices and take your time dont rush it.
and #5: if you mess up, make it pretty. if you mess it up take it in stride and build around it. maybe build a tower and pray yo havent upset the tetris gods.

have fun!

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